Fragile Alliances : Labor and Politics in Evansville, Indiana, 1919-1955 (Contributions in Labor Studies) артикул 3101e.
Fragile Alliances : Labor and Politics in Evansville, Indiana, 1919-1955 (Contributions in Labor Studies) артикул 3101e.

Book DescriptionHow did the alliance between labor and the Democratic Party develop after the First World War? What role does Evansville play in an examination of this alliance? What was the impact of the alliance on U S politics and society? These are some of the questions that Samuel W White tackles in his book Fragile Alliances: Labor and Politics озъюш in Evansville, Indiana, 1919-1955 Focusing on Evansville, Indiana, as a case study, White challenges traditional assumptions in the field, such as the following: labor has one political voice; labor is monolithic in electoral politics; the New Deal successfully reordered American society and politics White examines the roles played by political repression, opposition by employers, and anticommunist forceswithin the community as well as the labor movement in undermining the labor-Democratic Party alliance in Evansville He contends that by the 1950s, the impact of these forces blunted the potential of the labor movement and the Democratic Party to transform the political system by giving workers and their allies a permanent political space in electoral politics.  Pass   57.1   Bett   Bett2005 г ISBN 0313321574.

A City in Terror : Calvin Coolidge and the 1919 Boston Police Strike артикул 3103e.
A City in Terror : Calvin Coolidge and the 1919 Boston Police Strike артикул 3103e.

Book DescriptionOn September 9, 1919, an American nightmare came true The entire Boston police force deserted their posts, leaving the city virtually defenseless Their strike made an inconspicuous governor, Calvin Coolidge, known throughout America, turning him into a national hero and, eventually, a president It also created a monster: озъяа for two days, more than 700,000 residents of Boston"s urban core were without police protection, and the mob ruled the streets "The Boston Police Strike, longforgotten and too long ignored, is here described with great drama and verve by Francis Russell It is an extraordinary moment in the history of Boston, as well as an important event in the nation"s labor history "—Howard Zinn, author of A People"sHistory of the United States "Francis Russell is wonderfully aware of the subtle but important distinctions of class and neighborhood that have been so much a part of Boston"s history A City in Terror is well written, full of shrewd social analysis and cultural history, and provides an account that gives perspective to today"s serious confrontations "—Robert Coles, New York Review of Books "A fascinating study and social history of one of the strangest episodes in American labor history as well as an unforgettable lesson in the machinations of big-city and state politics " —The New Republic.  отде   Шуре   Your   Skag2005 г ISBN 0807050334.

Знакомьтесь: Православие артикул 3105e.
Знакомьтесь: Православие артикул 3105e.

В этой книге излагаются основы Православной веры, предлагается краткий рассказ о сотворении мира и человека, Боговоплощении, победе над смертью, приводится описание и разъяснение озъяг Таинств Православной Церкви Автор Священник Константин Пархоменко.  Вятк   Unit   Семе   словИздательства: Нева, ОЛМА-ПРЕСС Гранд, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 5-7654-2246-2, 5-94846-097-5 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Genealogical Research on the Web (Neal-Schuman NetGuide Series) артикул 3107e.
Genealogical Research on the Web (Neal-Schuman NetGuide Series) артикул 3107e.

This is not just another resource pointing you to the thousands of genealogical research sites on the Web Instead, this dynamic text features the tips, techniques, and resources covered in Diane Kovac's popular workshops on how to efficiently unearth anamazing array of genealogical gold on the Web Both amateur family-history sleuths and professional озъяе geneaologists have marveled at how useful the Web can be for those with the Kovacs know-how Included are URLs and passwords for informative Web-based activities, greatly enhancing the user-friendly quality of this book Web forms for each activity allow you to report your progress and receive further tips from Ms Kovacs Learn when you'll have to travel and when you can research from home, how to involve others in your process, what resources and techniques to avoid, how to connect with experts and key libraries in the field, what tools and sites work best for the separate stages of the research process, and how to publish your own family history Beginners, experts, librarians, and patrons--everyone has a treasure to uncover with the virtual hands-on help of Diane Kovacs!.  Mari   Stop   Yves   MexoISBN 1555704301.

Working-Class Hollywood артикул 3109e.
Working-Class Hollywood артикул 3109e.

This path-breaking book reveals how Hollywood became "Hollywood" and what that meant for the politics of America and American film Working-Class Hollywood tells the story of filmmaking in the first three decades of the twentieth century, a time when going to the movies could transform lives and when the cinema was a battleground for озъяз control of American consciousness Steven Ross documents the rise of a working-class film movement that challenged the dominant political ideas of the day Between 1907 and 1930, worker filmmakers repeatedly clashed with censors, movie industry leaders, and federal agencies over the kinds of images and subjects audiences would be allowed to see The outcome of these battles was critical to our own times, for the victors got to shape the meaning of class in twentieth- century America Surveying several hundred movies made by or about working men and women, Ross shows how filmmakers were far more concerned with class conflict during the silent era than at any subsequent time Directors like Charlie Chaplin, D W Griffith, and William de Mille made movies that defended working people and chastised their enemies Worker filmmakers went a step further and produced movies from A Martyr to His Cause (1911) to The Gastonia Textile Strike (1929) that depicted a unified working class using strikes, unions, and socialism to transform a nation J Edgar Hoover considered these class-conscious productions so dangerous that he assigned secret agents to spy on worker filmmakers Liberal and radical films declined in the 1920s as an emerging Hollywood studio system, pressured by censors and Wall Street investors, pushed American film in increasingly conservative directions Appealing to people's dreams of luxury and upward mobility, studios produced lavish fantasy films that shifted popular attention away from the problems of the workplace and toward the pleasures of the new consumer society While worker filmmakers were trying to heighten class consciousness, Hollywood producers were suggesting that class no longer mattered Working-Class Hollywood shows how silent films helped shape the modern belief that we are a classless nation.  Mois   Terr   Robe   DreaISBN 0691024642.

Почему я первый из грешников? артикул 3111e.
Почему я первый из грешников? артикул 3111e.

Предлагаемая читателю, небольшая по объему, книга - не что иное, как записи бесед настоятеля Санкт-Петербургского храма (в Песочном) во имя прп Серафима Саровского протоиерея озъяй Игоря Филина с православным литератором Олегом Казаковым Это беседы о путях к истинной свободе, к освобождению от греховной суеты и косности, к тому, чтобы дело наше принесло по-настоящему благой плод Авторы Протоиерей Игорь Филин Олег Казаков.  Barb   Maxt   stop   CanoИздательство: Сатисъ, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 80 стр ISBN 5-7868-0076-8 Тираж: 6000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Может ли православный быть эволюционистом? артикул 3113e.
Может ли православный быть эволюционистом? артикул 3113e.

Должен ли православный педагог, работающий в обычной школе, враждовать с учителем биологии? Или же в учительской комнате можно спокойно объясниться с коллегой, не вынося в озъям классы различие позиций? Предлагаемые статьи диакона Андрея Кураева - профессора Московской Духовной Академии, члена Синодальной Богословской Комиссии, старшего научного сотрудника кафедры религиоведения МГУ - на тему о соотношении эволюционистской теории и православной мысли дадут возможность православным людям: а) избежать дискуссии через пояснение того, что теория эволюции и Библия дают разные ответы - на разные же и вопросы, а потому не стоит говорить об их несовместимости; б) дадут аргументы в случае, если дискуссия все же началась; в) помогут избежать излишней запальчивости в полемике Автор Диакон Андрей Кураев Андрей Вячеславович Кураев родился в 1963 году в Москве Учился на философском факультете Московского Государственного Университета на кафедре научного атеизма Учась в университете, получил доступ к духовной литературе, реквизированной у церкви.  Nadi   Rand   Жадь   1280Издательство: Христианская жизнь, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Work артикул 3115e.
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Work артикул 3115e.

Work is bad enough, but what if things go really wrong? The Worst-Case Scenario authors come to the rescue with expert advice for surviving dozens of nightmare on-the-job scenarios, whether in the office or on the loading dock From savage bike messengers to a bag of pretzels stuck in the lunchroom vending machine, peril is everywhere Learn how to озъяр sneak out of a meeting, treat a deep-fryer burn, and survive a stockroom avalanche Expertly remove a dent from the company car, extract a tie caught in the photocopier, and survive a workplace romance Hands-on, step-by-step instructions guide you through these and other crises that can strike between 9 and 5, or on the swing shift With an appendix of useful interview phrases, a career-path decoder, instructions for playing Jargon Bingo, and more, this is the one desk reference you cant live without.  Iron   Lowl   Morn   RobeISBN 0811835758.

Православные праздники и молитвы артикул 3117e.
Православные праздники и молитвы артикул 3117e.

Данная книга познакомит читателя с календарем православных праздников, расскажет об истории их возникновения, а также о том, какие существуют христианские традиции празднования озъяц событий, зафиксированных в Вечной Книге Здесь вы также найдете молитвы, которые оберегут вас от разных несчастий и помогут обрести гармонию с собой и с Богом Автор Наталья Цветкова.  Enco   Мвкд   Соде   AmarИздательство: Рипол Классик Твердый переплет, 640 стр ISBN 5-7905-1189-9 Тираж: 15000 экз Формат: 60x84/32 (~100х140 мм).

Вадим Книга-подарок артикул 3119e.
Вадим Книга-подарок артикул 3119e.

Художник: Екатерина Комракова Что означают имена? Кто является вашим небесным покровителем? Как определить день именин и правильно их отметить? Кто такие святые и как они нам озъяы помогают? Прочитав нашу книгу, вы узнаете об этом Да хранит вас Господь и Пресвятая Богородица! Автор Елена Григорьева.  Geni   Wind   Alex   БаркСерия: Твое святое имя.

Using the Internet, Online Services, and Cd-Roms for Writing Research and Term Papers (Neal-Schuman Net-Guide Series) артикул 3121e.
Using the Internet, Online Services, and Cd-Roms for Writing Research and Term Papers (Neal-Schuman Net-Guide Series) артикул 3121e.

Here is a completely revised and expanded edition of the acclaimed 1996 guide that does for electronic resources what Turabian does for print Particularly helpful for high school and first year college students, the handbook explains how to utilize online library catalogs, the most commonly available indexes and databases (in print, CD-ROM, озыаа online, and Web-accessible formats), electronic encyclopedias, Web search engines, and commercial online information services (like AOL) Tips are provided for note-taking (including electronic note-taking), printing from electronic resources, and Web browsing A chapter on citing electronic resources (using both APA and MLA styles) and two model research papers round out this practical book which can serve as a ready-reference tool, a circulating research guide, or as the perfect text for an introductory research course.  Bald   Digi   Chec   разгISBN 1555703747.

The Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Design артикул 3123e.
The Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Design артикул 3123e.

With over 1 5 million copies sold, the Darwin Awards series is the alpha chimp of humorous human mishaps Despite being an international bestseller, and inspiring a movie - The Darwin Awards - these cautionary chronicles have failed to stop another generation of Darwin Award winners from steering motorcycles with their feet, heating lava lamps озыаж on stoves, using liquid soap as brake fluid, and drowning themselves in the kitchen sink Filled with more than 100 new tales of evolution in action, plus science essays and a parody research paper supporting Intelligent Design, "The Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Design" shows that when it comes to common sense, natural selection still has a long, long way to go Авторы Венди Норткат Wendy Northcutt Кристофер М Келли Christopher M Kelly.  EHLP   Tatt   Svia   Davi2007 г Мягкая обложка, 336 стр ISBN 0452288800 Язык: Английский.

Утешитель артикул 3125e.
Утешитель артикул 3125e.

Книга `Утешитель` является второй частью Большой богословской трилогии протоиерея Сергия Булгакова `О Богочеловечестве` В Большую трилогию также входят книги `Агнец Божий` озыам (издательство Общедоступного Православного Университета, основанного протоиереем Александром Менем, 2000 год) и `Невеста Агнца` Первое издание книги `Утешитель` было осуществлено издательством YMCA-Press в Париже в 1936 году Автор Протоиерей Сергей Булгаков.  RHZN   Opti   DrBr   LomoИздательство: Общедоступный Православный Университет, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 464 стр ISBN 5-87507-260-1 Тираж: 2000 экз.

The Collector's Guide to eBay артикул 3127e.
The Collector's Guide to eBay артикул 3127e.

Book DescriptionThrive in the collectibles market on eBay--as a buyer and a seller This essential guide explains how to find rare items and reap huge profits You’ll learn to establish yourself on eBay as a prominent collector in your field, assess the value of your collection, open an eBay store, and strategically bid on items to win auctions Collectibles озыас remains eBay’s strongest category with millions of active collectors trading every day--so get in the game and turn your collection intoa money-making enterprise.  Rola   Сысо   Serg   Hist2004 г 384 стр ISBN 0072257660.

Schaum's Easy Outline of Busines Statistics артикул 3129e.
Schaum's Easy Outline of Busines Statistics артикул 3129e.

Boiled-down essentials of the top-selling Schaum's Outline series, for the student with limited time What could be better than the bestselling Schaum's Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum's Easy Outline series Every book in this series is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly озыаф focused version of its bigger predecessor With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, each new title features a streamlined and updated format and theabsolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form Graphic elements such as sidebars, reader-alert icons, and boxed highlights feature selected points from the text, illuminate keys to learning, and give students quick pointers to the essentials.  Davi   Ever   Micr   MartISBN 0071398767.

Cognitive Psychology : Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience (with Coglab Online and Concept Charts Booklet) артикул 3131e.
Cognitive Psychology : Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience (with Coglab Online and Concept Charts Booklet) артикул 3131e.

Connecting the study of cognition to everyday life in an unprecedented way, Bruce Goldstein's COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY gives equal treatment to both the landmark studies and the cutting-edge research that define this fascinating field The text employs a wealth of concrete examples and illustrations that will help students understand the theories озыаш of cognition -- driving home both the scientific importance of the theories and their relevance to students' daily lives Students will leave this text with a true understanding of the "behind the scenes" activity that happens in the mind when humans do such seemingly simple activities as perceiving, remembering, or thinking Goldstein's coverage also focuses on the behavioral and physiological approaches to cognition by including physiological materials in every chapter To help students further experiment with the concepts discussed in the text, free pincode access to CogLab: The Online Cognitive Psychology Laboratory is automatically packaged with every new copy of the text Students also automatically receive the Concept Maps with CogLab Online Manual The manual includes 60 "Concept Maps," which present the major concepts in the text using a visual approach that will help students remember the material.  Фран   Прои   Beko   DiscISBN 0534577261.

Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time (Oxford Finance S ) артикул 3133e.
Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time (Oxford Finance S ) артикул 3133e.

The second edition of this popular introduction to the classical underpinnings of the mathematics behind finance continues to combine sounds mathematical principles with economic applications Concentrating on the probabilistics theory of continuous arbitrage pricing of financial derivatives, including stochastic optimal control theory озыаъ and Merton's fund separation theory, the book is designed for graduate students and combines necessary mathematical background with a solid economic focus It includes asolved example for every new technique presented, contains numerous exercises and suggests further reading in each chapter In this substantially extended new edition, Bjork has added separate and complete chapters on measure theory, probability theory, Girsanov transformations, LIBOR and swap market models, and martingale representations, providing two full treatments of arbitrage pricing: the classical delta-hedging and the modern martingales More advanced areas of study are clearly marked to help students and teachers use the book as it suits their needs.  8942   Seve   Удар   RenzISBN 0199271267.

Statistics and Finance: An Introduction артикул 3135e.
Statistics and Finance: An Introduction артикул 3135e.

Book DescriptionThis textbook emphasizes the applications of statistics and probability to finance Students are assumed to have had a prior course in statistics, but no background in finance or economics The basics of probability and statistics are reviewed and more advanced topics in statistics, such as regression, ARMA and GARCH models, озыбй the bootstrap, and nonparametric regression using splines, are introduced as needed The book covers the classical methods of finance such as portfolio theory, CAPM, and the Black-Scholes formula, and it introduces the somewhat newer area of behavioral finance Applications and use of MATLAB and SAS software are stressed The book will serve as a text in courses aimed at advanced undergraduates and masters students in statistics, engineering, and applied mathematics as well as quantitatively oriented MBA students Those in the finance industry wishing to know more statistics could also use it for self-study.  stud   Afro   Prin   Миро2004 г ISBN 0387202706.

Internet Marketing Intelligence: Research Tools, Techniques, and Resources артикул 3137e.
Internet Marketing Intelligence: Research Tools, Techniques, and Resources артикул 3137e.

Internet Marketing Intelligence outlines the research tasks and tools available to market researchers today This essential guide introduces a step-by-step approach to utilizing the Internet to target customers and create successful marketing plans Researchers will learn how to properly document resources, delineate tools, and take advantage озыбп of newsgroups, discussion lists, search engines, and more.  Wind   Road   Mari   консISBN 0072821116.

Сокровища Ретры артикул 3139e.
Сокровища Ретры артикул 3139e.

Переводчик: А Бычков Первое русское издание знаменитой книги Андреаса Готтлиба Маша "Древние богослужебные предметы ободритов из храма в Ретре на озере Толленцер", оригинал озыбь которой был опубликован на немецком языке в Берлине в 1771 году Автор описывает уникальную по полноте коллекцию скульптур языческих богов западных славян (вендов), живших в дохристианской Германии Изображения, представленные на гравюрах, имеют докириллические надписи рунами Основной текст автора сопровожден палеографическими комментариями В А Чудинова и дополнен историческим обзором П В Тулаева Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся историей культуры, религии и основами европейской цивилизации Автор Андреас Готтлиб Маш Андреас Готтлиб Маш.  Bozi   Слов   клуб   ЛитРСерия: Славянские древности.

The Complete Guide to Stamping артикул 3141e.
The Complete Guide to Stamping артикул 3141e.

Let your stamping adventure begin! Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned stamper, this project-packed, easy-to-use book will show you how to create beautiful crafts-even on your first try This inventive guide's artistic techniques-many developed especially for this book-will take you through every aspect of stamping It includes озывб choosing your first stamp, coloring stamps, working on fabric, embossing, three-dimensional, and even edible stamping And once you're off and running, The Complete Guide to Stamping teaches you how to create greeting cards and gift wrap, decorate your walls and furniture, and much more Авторы Алан Гир Alan Gear Барри Фристоун Barry L Freestone.  ЛитР   Трои   Води   ГросИздательство: Reader's Digest, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 0762106107 Язык: Английский.

Риск в социальном пространстве артикул 3143e.
Риск в социальном пространстве артикул 3143e.

Сборник до определенной степени отражает состояние переднего края научных разработок в области исследования социальных аспектов риска Работы преимущественно базируются озывж на анализе эмпирического материала; методологические статьи отличаются практической управленческой направленностью Авторов статей объединяет работа в рамках секции социологии риска и катастроф Российского общества социологов, Московского общества анализа риска Сборник предназначен для специалистов в области анализа риска, аспирантов, студентов; для лиц, принимающих решения по управлению рисками Содержание Предисловие редактора Предисловие c 5-8 Социология риска: возможности синтеза теории и эмпирического знания Статья c 9-37 Риск и безопасность: определение понятий Статья c 38-49 Риск в структуре социально-философского подхода к изучению сущности взаимодействия природы и общества Статья c 50-78 Рискология и рисковая коммуникация: проблемы, методы, перспективы (по материалам зарубежных изданий) Статья c 79-94 Пищевые риски: социальный аспект проблемы Статья c 95-136 Социально-экономическая оценка риска пожаров как чрезвычайных ситуаций Статья c 137-158 Технологический риск как компонент окружающей социальной среды: восприятие и отражение в субкультуре территориальной общности Статья c 159-179 Экологический риск: социальные аспекты регионального природопользования Статья c 180-220 Риск и качество жизни Статья c 221-234 Управление риском (на примере природных рисков) Статья c 235-271 Теория и методы управления риском чрезвычайных ситуаций (ЧС): проблемы и перспективы Статья c 272-298 Кризисные ситуации в социальной сфере: управленческий аспект (по материалам массовой прессы) Статья c 299-344 Авторы (показать всех авторов) Алла Мозговая (автор, редактор) Борис Порфирьев Елена Шлыкова.  Герш   Acad   Иллю   СодеАнтология Издательство: Институт социологии РАН, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 348 стр ISBN 5-89697-063-3 Тираж: 300 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

Republic com артикул 3145e.
Republic com артикул 3145e.

See only what you want to see, hear only what you want to hear, read only what you want to read In cyberspace, we already have the ability to filter out everything but what we wish to see, hear, and read Tomorrow, our power to filter promises to increase exponentially With the advent of the Daily Me, you see only the sports highlights that concern your teams, озыву read about only the issues that interest you, encounter in the op-ed pages only the opinions with which you agree In all of the applause for this remarkable ascendance of personalized information, Cass Sunstein asks the questions, Is it good for democracy? Is it healthy for the republic? What does this mean for freedom of speech? Republic com exposes the drawbacks of egocentric Internet use, while showing us how to approach the Internet as responsible citizens, not just concerned consumers Democracy, Sunstein maintains, depends on shared experiences and requires citizens to be exposed to topics and ideas that they would not have chosen in advance Newspapers and broadcasters helped create a shared culture, but as their role diminishes and the customization of our communications universe increases, society is in danger of fragmenting, shared communities in danger of dissolving In their placewill arise only louder and ever more extreme echoes of our own voices, our own opinions In evaluating the consequences of new communications technologies for democracy and free speech, Sunstein argues the question is not whether to regulate the Net (it's already regulated), but how; proves that freedom of speech is not an absolute; and underscores the enormous potential of the Internet to promote freedom as well as its potential to promote "cybercascades" of like-minded opinions that foster and enflame hate groups The book ends by suggesting a range of potential reforms to correct current misconceptions and to improve deliberative democracy and the health of the American republic Chat with Cass Sunstein in a Message Forum hosted beginning April 1, 2001.  МГор   веду   Dixi   ЦыбуISBN 0691095892.

Medical Care Output and Productivity (Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol 62) артикул 3147e.
Medical Care Output and Productivity (Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol 62) артикул 3147e.

With the United States and other developed nations spending as much as 14 percent of their GDP on medical care, economists and policy analysts are asking what these countries are getting in return Yet it remains frustrating and difficult to measurethe productivity of the medical care service industries This volume takes aim at that problem, while озывш taking stock of where we are in our attempts to solve it Much of this analysis focuses on the capacity to measure the value of technological change and other health care innovations A key finding suggests that growth in health care spending has coincided with an increase in products and services that together reduce mortality rates and promote additional health gains Concerns over the apparent increase in unit prices of medical care may thus understate positive impacts on consumer welfare When appropriately adjusted for such quality improvements, health care prices may actually have fallen Provocative and compelling, this volume not only clarifies one of the more nebulous issues in health care analysis, but in so doing addresses an area of pressing public policy concern.  Куца   Mast   Стер   молоISBN 0226132269.

The Laws of Cool: Knowledge , Work and the Culture of Information артикул 3149e.
The Laws of Cool: Knowledge , Work and the Culture of Information артикул 3149e.

Knowledge work is now the reigning business paradigm and affects even the world of higher education But what perspective can the knowledge of the humanities and arts contribute to a world of knowledge work whose primary mission is business? And what is the role of information technology as both the servant of the knowledge economy and the medium озыгг of a new technological cool? In The Laws of Cool, Alan Liu reflects on these questions as he considers the emergence of new information technologiesand their profound influence on the forms and practices of knowledge.  Спир   Guar   Jean   MagnISBN 0226486990.

Великие Учители молитвы артикул 3151e.
Великие Учители молитвы артикул 3151e.

`Учитель! научи нас молиться`, - просил Иисуса ученик, имя которого осталось неизвестным; и просьба эта положила начало самому большому в мире потоку молитвы, той молитвы Господней, озыгл которую повторяли изо дня в день, от века к веку, которую так часто молчаливо твердят в глубине сердца и поют во весь голос в хоре праздничной толпы Хорошо, что мы ничего не знаем об этом ученике Безымянность этого человека подобна Неизвестному Солдату, она представляет сразу всех нас Мы, безымянное множество людей, которые понимают, что не умеют молиться, отображены присутствием в этом неизвестном молитвеннике `Учитель! научи нас молиться`, - говорит он от нашего имени Автор Жак Лев.  OZON   Wind   Топо   InteИздательство: Путь, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 150 стр ISBN 5-86748-104-2 Тираж: 999 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Practical Issues in Cointegration Analysis (Journal of Economic Surveys) артикул 3153e.
Practical Issues in Cointegration Analysis (Journal of Economic Surveys) артикул 3153e.

Comprising of seven up-to-date comprehensive surveys from leading scholars in Econometrics, this book follows the format of the highly successful book, Surveys in Econometrics, edited by Oxley, et al (Blackwell Publishers 1995) This collection is a unique resource for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students on quantitative/econometrics озыгх courses, as well as a wider range of academics and professional economists The contributions consider a range of contemporary topics from the area of cointegration and unit root testing where empirical examples are used wherever possible to illustrate the issue at hand The topics range from issues associated with seasonality and cointegration, to panel unit root tests and the econometrics of I(2) processes.  Malc   Звон   Соло   автоISBN 0631211985.

Microeconometrics : Methods and Applications артикул 3155e.
Microeconometrics : Methods and Applications артикул 3155e.

Book DescriptionThis book provides the most comprehensive treatment to date of microeconometrics, the analysis of individual-level data on the economic behavior of individuals or firms using regression methods for cross section and panel data The book is oriented to the practitioner A basic understanding of the linear regression model with озыгщ matrix algebra is assumed The text can be used for a microeconometrics course, typically a second-year economics PhD course; for data-oriented applied microeconometrics field courses; and as a reference work for graduate students and applied researchers who wish to fill in gaps in their toolkit Distinguishing features of the book include emphasis on nonlinear models and robust inference, simulation-based estimation, and problems of complex survey data The book makes frequent use of numerical examples based on generated data to illustrate the key models and methods More substantially, it systematically integrates into the text empirical illustrations based on seven large and exceptionally rich data sets.  Rene   Edga   Caro   Нефе2005 г ISBN 0521848059.

The Economics of Child Labour артикул 3102e.
The Economics of Child Labour артикул 3102e.

Book DescriptionIn this book Cigno and Rosati develop a theoretical framework within which to analyze decisions about child labour, drawing on empirical studies and making policy recommendations They address such issues as parental decisions, gender, education, health, fertility and infant mortality, and children living alone; provide озъюэ studies of child labour in India, Vietnam, and Morocco; and discuss policies on compulsion and prohibition, redistribution, education, health, and the labor market.  Росс   Undi   Арцр   Jerz2005 г ISBN 0199264457.

Environmental Online Communication артикул 3104e.
Environmental Online Communication артикул 3104e.

The Internet and wireless communication networks are transforming the way society handles the explosive growth and dwindling half-life of environmentally relevant information How can we leverage new technologies to advocate sustainability and the protection of natural ecosystems? This book presents an interdisciplinary investigation озъяб of this question, combining theoretical foundations of environmental online communication with pioneering conceptual work and case studies of successful information systems Environmental Online Communication addresses the transition to a knowledge-based economy, sheds light on hidden assumptions and misconceptions about environmental issues, and suggests priorities for research and policy development Drawing on the expertise of more than 60 authors from academic institutions, research centers, commercial organizations, and the non-profit sector, the 25 chapters contained in this volume analyze communicative strategies and processes from four interrelated perspectives: * Raising Environmental Awareness (Public Access to Environmental Information, Online Advocacy, Environmental Education), * Environmental Science (Data Sharing and Distributed Internet Computing, Geographically Referenced Data), * Corporate Sustainability (Sustainability and Social Responsibility, Environmental Reporting), * Networks & Virtual Communities (Online Collaboration, Trust & Credibility, Knowledge Management) A Web site accompanying the book provides supplemental resources including regular project updates, bibliographic resources, and the authors affiliations and research interests.  Sifr   Fisk   рабо   ЮсупISBN 1852337834.

Опыт построения исповеди Пастырские беседы в дни Великого поста артикул 3106e.
Опыт построения исповеди Пастырские беседы в дни Великого поста артикул 3106e.

Эта книга не принадлежит перу одного определенного автора Она сложилась из многих источников по мере вживания в молитвенный строй Церкви, в опыт духовничества и пастырского озъяд душепопечения Непосредственным же материалом этого сборника стали беседы духовника, архимандрита Иоанна (Крестьянкина), в Псково-Печерском монастыре в семидесятые годы во время говения на первой седмице Великого поста, после чтения Покаянного канона Андрея Критского Многим запомнились те вечера трепетного покаянного предстояния перед Живым и близким Богом и собственной совестью, запомнилось обличающее и врачующее слово пастырского назидания Беседы были кем-то записаны, и их стали передавать из рук в руки Естественно, что при переписывании и перепечатке в них появилось немало погрешностей Издавая эти беседы по просьбе паломников и прихожан, мы имели в виду не только устранить погрешности, но и в наибольшей степени сохранить разговорную интонацию бесед Содержание Опыт построения исповеди по десяти Заповедям c 4-77 Опыт построения исповеди по Заповедям блаженства c 78-144 Автор Архимандрит Иоанн (Крестьянкин).  Park   Soul   Hits   SPORИздательства: Издание Свято-Успенского Псково-Печерского монастыря, Отчий дом, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 144 стр ISBN 5-7676-0136-4 Тираж: 40000 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

Вера Психика Здоровье артикул 3108e.
Вера Психика Здоровье артикул 3108e.

"Богу нужно отдать Богово, а человеку нужно взять свое - ответственность за себя и за то, что можно и должно изменить в себе И не "приставать" к Богу с тем, что мы должны сделать озъяж сами Разобраться в этом, понять, что такое вера, от чего она зависит, как состояние и опыт души влияют на нашу веру и здоровье, поможет эта брошюра" Священник Игорь Поляков Автор Священник Игорь Поляков.  Mari   Vino   Cafe   GabrИздательство: Сатисъ, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 64 стр ISBN 5-7868-0077-6 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Republic Of Labor: Russian Printers And Soviet Socialism, 1918-1930 артикул 3110e.
Republic Of Labor: Russian Printers And Soviet Socialism, 1918-1930 артикул 3110e.

Book DescriptionThe long decade from the October Revolution to 1930 was the beginning of a great experiment to create a socialist society Throughout these years, socialist trade unions attempted to transform the Russian worker into a productive and enthusiastic participant in this new order How did the workers themselves react to these efforts? озъяи To what extent were they and their culture transformed into the ideal forms proclaimed in the official ideology? In Republic of Labor, Diane P Koenker illuminates the lived experience of Russias printers, workers who differed from their comrades because of their skill and higher wages, but who shared the same challenges of economic hardship and dangerous conditions Paying close attention to the links between work, politics, and the everyday, the author focuses on workers efforts to define their place in socialist society Gender issues are also emphasized, and here we see the persistence of a masculinist working-class culture counterposed to an official culture promoting gender equality Through this engaging narrative, Koenker develops a highly original discourse about class in Soviet society that will interest all students of Russian history as well as those readers who wish to reinvigorateclass as a historical and sociological tool of analysis.  серт   Myth   Stan   Perp2005 г ISBN 0801443083.

Telecommute! : Go To Work Without Leaving Home артикул 3112e.
Telecommute! : Go To Work Without Leaving Home артикул 3112e.

Make the virtual office a reality How many hours of your day are spent commuting? Do you ever wish you could go to work without having to go through the aggravation of actually getting there? Would you like to devote more time to your family? If so, telecommuting could be for you Drawing on the stories of real people who are active telecommuters, Lisa озъял Shaw provides potent advice and inspiration on this innovative—and increasingly popular—approach to the workplace Here's invaluable information on: Determining if telecommuting is an option for your career Negotiating with your boss Setting up your home office Balancing your work and home life Keeping your career on track—even when you're physically out of sight.  Tran   книг   Creo   DonaISBN 0471118206.

По путям твоим воздам тебе артикул 3114e.
По путям твоим воздам тебе артикул 3114e.

Эта книга написана бывшим магом, считавшим магию своей второй жизнью Он увидел великое проникновение магии в общинную нашу жизнь, в науку И то, что он пишет об эволюции, глубоко озъян проникает в науку, не зря пишет, что называется "не с потолка", ибо эволюционная теория - это сугубо оккультное учение и а науку оно пришло из оккультизма и как бывший оккультист он и подвергает критике это оккультное учение, ибо нет оккультизма без эволюционного учения Иеромонах Анатолий (Берестов) Автор Николай Цыганов.  LEGO   Ткал   впер   RogeИздательство: Душепопечительский Православный Центр святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 5-94264-015-7 Тираж: 10000 экз.

Целительный православный календарь на 2003 год артикул 3116e.
Целительный православный календарь на 2003 год артикул 3116e.

В этом православном календаре вы найдете молитвы, которые принято обращать к тем или иным святым, прося их об исцелении от недугов Обратитесь к святому в тот день, когда церковь озъяф вспоминает о нем, и ваша искренняя молитва станет еще действенней.  Jame   Алек   Cher   IsaaИздательство: А В К - Тимошка Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 5-324-00133-3 Тираж: 15000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

The Meaning of Environmental Security: Environmental Politics and Policy in the New Security Era артикул 3118e.
The Meaning of Environmental Security: Environmental Politics and Policy in the New Security Era артикул 3118e.

This book is a comprehensive, critical discussion of the new idea of environmental security Jon Barnett looks at links between environmental degradation and national security But the meaning of the concept is ambiguous, and an examination of its various interpretations and applications reveals much about the state of global environmental озъящ politics Barnett argues that environmental security is ultimately driven more by the power of security-makers than by the need to address environmental problems By systematically uncovering the deficiencies of existing discourses, he develops an alternative, critical Green approach with practical implications.  Херл   Etni   Diam   HarrISBN 1856497852.

The Labour Party and Economic Strategy 1979-1997: The Long Road Back артикул 3120e.
The Labour Party and Economic Strategy 1979-1997: The Long Road Back артикул 3120e.

This book examines Labour's economic strategy as it developed through the party's opposition between 1979 and 1997 This history argues strongly that accounts of Labour's recent past, which claim that the Party was driven by a combination of Thatcherism and opinion polls, are flawed It offers an alternative account which stresses the importance озъяь of debates within and around the Party, about how the economy should be understood, the role of markets and the state, and British industrial decline.  Alex   Aqua   Gmax   AndrISBN 0333920716.

Ruling the Later Roman Empire артикул 3122e.
Ruling the Later Roman Empire артикул 3122e.

In this highly original work, Christopher Kelly paints a remarkable picture of running a superstate He portrays a complex system of government openly regulated by networks of personal influence and the payment of money Focusing on the Roman Empire after Constantine's conversion to Christianity, Kelly illuminates a period of increasingly centralized озыав rule through an ever more extensive and intrusive bureaucracy The book opens with a view of its times through the eyes of a high-ranking official in sixth-century Constantinople, John Lydus His On the Magistracies of the Roman State, the only memoir of its kind to come down to us, gives an impassioned and revealing account of his career and the system in which he worked Kelly draws a wealth of insight from this singular memoir and goes on to trace the operation of power and influence, exposing how these might be successfully deployed or skillfully diverted by those wishing either to avoid government regulation or to subvert it for their own ends Ruling the Later Roman Empire presents a fascinating procession of officials, emperors, and local power brokers, winners and losers, mapping their experiences, their conflicting loyalties, their successes, and their failures This important book elegantly recaptures the experience of both rulers and ruled under a sophisticated and highly successful system of government New Ed edition Автор Кристофер М Келли Christopher M Kelly.  Tato   Kary   спас   ЗареИздательство: Belknap Press, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 352 стр ISBN 0674022440.

Слова, беседы и речи О жизни по внутреннему человеку артикул 3124e.
Слова, беседы и речи О жизни по внутреннему человеку артикул 3124e.

Все слова, беседы и поучения владыки Антония являются призывом к нравственному совершенствованию и объясняют, что идея эта является основой тысячелетней жизни России; что озыаи отступление от нее привело нас к революционным бедствиям и что единственный путь для возрождения России в ее религиозном и государственном бытии - это нравственное возрождение русских людей "Человек! Если ты хочешь служить Богу и ближним, то прежде всего воспитай себя самого" Митрополит Антоний Автор Митрополит Антоний (Храповицкий) (в миру Храповицкий Алексей Павлович), Митрополит Киевский и Галицкий (17 03 1863-28 07(10 08) 1936), почетный председатель Почаевского отдела Союза Русского Народа (СРН), первый глава Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей (РПЦЗ) Сын генерала,.  крас   9056   Arts   03-1Издательство: Библиополис, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 480 стр ISBN 5-7435-0213-7 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Православный мир артикул 3126e.
Православный мир артикул 3126e.

Художники: Павел Ильин О Сотникова Второе, дополненное новыми разделами и многими цветными иллюстрациями, издание книги для детского чтения `Православный мир` Книга составлена озыар на основе образовательных пособий для детей русского педагога Александра Радонежского и включает в себя небольшие рассказы, стихотворения, исторические примеры и поучения Ориентирована на нравственное воспитание детской души.  Щерб   Exce   Добр   SvagИздательство: Круг чтения, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 304 стр ISBN 5-93950-010-2 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

The Cartoon Guide to Statistics артикул 3128e.
The Cartoon Guide to Statistics артикул 3128e.

If you have ever looked for P-values by shopping at P mart, tried to watch the Bernoulli Trails on "People's Court," or think that the standard deviation is a criminal offense in six states, then you need The Cartoon Guide to Statistics to put you on the road to statistical literacy The Cartoon Guide to Statistics covers all the central ideas озыау of modern statistics: the summary and display of data, probability in gambling and medicine, random variables, Bernoulli Trails, the Central Limit Theorem, hypothesis testing, confidence interval estimation, and much more--all explained in simple, clear, and yes, funny illustrations Never again will you order the Poisson Distribution in a French restaurant!.  слов   Mich   Garm   CracISBN 0062731025.

Беседы на книгу "Песнь Песней" артикул 3130e.
Беседы на книгу "Песнь Песней" артикул 3130e.

«Песнь Песней» - одна из самых загадочных и красивых книг Ветхого Завета Понимание текстов этой книги у большинства верующих вызывает затруднение вследствие глубокой символичности озыац и аллегоричности текстов Святые Отцы согласно понимали образы Жениха и Невесты как Христа и души человеческой, ищущей Бога Такое понимание дает читателю ключ к духовному осознанию данного текста Священного Писания, а увидеть глубинный смысл, и сокрытую в Божием слове красоту помогут данные беседы, рассчитанные на широкий круг читателей Автор Священник Даниил Сысоев.  хоро   полю   Silv   BrotИздательство: Издательство храма пророка Даниила на Кантемировской, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 978-5-98988-018-8 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

Духовная мозаика артикул 3132e.
Духовная мозаика артикул 3132e.

Редактор: И Ковынева Сборник содержит краткие изречения отцов церкви, старцев, священников и духовных писателей, в которых читатель сможет найти ответы на многие вопросы озыащ духовной жизни «Святоотеческую мудрость и духовное наставничество как нетленное сокровище, исцеляющее душу и питающее ум, хранит Святая Церковь до наших дней » Содержание О нашей жизни в мире сем c 7-22 Подсолнечник c 23-48 Беседа с Богом c 49-76 Про тех, которые "не существуют" c 77-100 Кирпичи c 101-128 Пастырь c 129-154 О ней c 155-184 Для размышления c 185-189.  цвет   Осип   Para   1815Антология Издательство: Издательство Сретенского монастыря, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 192 стр ISBN 5-7533-0022-7 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 70x100/32 (~120х165 мм).

Практический справочник по православию артикул 3134e.
Практический справочник по православию артикул 3134e.

Практический справочник по православию - уникальная энциклопедия в таблицах, охватывающая самый широкий круг вопросов: как вести себя в православном храме, каким святым озыбв молиться в разных случаях, в чем смысл богослужения, кто такой духовник, как подготовиться к крещению и венчанию, где разместить иконы в доме, как принимать святую воду, что делать на 40-й день после смерти человека, как определить день именин, каковы условия поступления в монастырь и многое другое Справочник составлен священниками Русской православной церкви и предназначен для широкого круга читателей: православных верующих и тех, кто интересуется православием и хочет узнать о нем больше.  Geni   OPEL   Blau   PENNИздательство: Русское Энциклопедическое Товарищество, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 1024 стр ISBN 978-5-901227-80-0 Тираж: 7000 экз Формат: 70x108/32 (~130х165 мм).

Поселения, православные храмы, священнослужители Бурятии XVII-XX столетий артикул 3136e.
Поселения, православные храмы, священнослужители Бурятии XVII-XX столетий артикул 3136e.

В энциклопедии содержатся сведения по истории поселений, православных храмов, монастырей и священно-церковно-служителей Бурятии XVII-XX столетий Даны материалы о первых церковно-приходских озыбк школах и учителях В приложениях приведены биографические данныена иерархов Сибири и Забайкалья Перечислены и описаны местночтимые чудотворные иконы Имеются указатели названий 222 церквей: свыше 2000 имен и фамилий, приведенных в книге; словарь православных терминов и хронологический перечень важнейших дат из истории православия Бурятии Книга является ценным научным пособием по историографии и источниковедению Забайкалья Впервые использованы архивные и исторические источники, дающие представление об основных этапах проникновения и закрепления православного христианства за Байкалом Автор книги - ученый секретарь Бурятского Благочиния Читинской и Забайкальской епархии Русской Православной Церкви Книга рассчитана на ученых-религиеведов, краеведов и всех, кто интересуется историей христианства в Забайкалье Автор А Жалсараев.  язык   Буха   Сост   демоИздательство: Бурятское книжное издательство Твердый переплет, 448 стр ISBN S-7411-0796-6 Тираж: 1500 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Ежегодный православный календарь артикул 3138e.
Ежегодный православный календарь артикул 3138e.

В календаре дается характеристика каждого дня года по следующим разделам: - праздники в честь святых, апостолов, предстателей перед Богом, которые, хотя и менее значимы, чем озыбы Великие Господние и Богородичные праздники, но желательно, чтобы верующие знали о них и посещали в эти дни Церковь; - жития праведников, которых Православная Церковь почитает как предстателей наших перед Богом, восхваляя их подвиги и дела, совершенные ими при помощи благодати Божией во славу Божию; - список именинников Все даты, указанные в календаре, приведены как по церковному, старому стилю (юлианский календарь), так и по новому стилю (григорианский календарь) Из Содержания: Круг православных церковных праздников Дни памяти святых Посты Пасхалия до 2021 г Дни Ангела Поминовение усопших Дни, когда не совершается бракосочетание Рецепты православной кухни и др Книга предназначена для многолетнего семейного пользования и для самого широкого круга читателей.  Щерб   увед   серт   FranИздательство: Астрея, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 5-98113-003-2 Тираж: 10500 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Love Online : Emotions on the Internet артикул 3140e.
Love Online : Emotions on the Internet артикул 3140e.

Computers have changed not just the way we work but the way we love Falling in and out of love, flirting, cheating, even having sex online have all become part of the modern way of living and loving Yet we know very little about these new types of relationship How is an online affair where the two people involved may never see or meet each other different озыбэ from an affair in the real world? Does online sex still involve cheating on your partner? Why do people tell complete strangers their most intimate secrets? What are the rules of engagement? Will online affairs change the monogamous nature of romantic relationships? These are just some of the questions Professor Aaron Ben Ze'ev, distinguished writer and scholar, addresses in the first full length study of love online Accessible, shocking, entertaining, enlightening, this book will change the way you look at cyberspace and love forever Aaron Ben Ze'ev is a Professor at the Univeristy of Haifa in the Philosophy Department and has been the Rector of the University since 2000 He has published articles for many journals such as Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Philosophical Psychology, and Theory & Psychology among others He has also had numerous books published including The Subtlety of Emotions (MIT Press, 2000) and The Perceptual System: A Philosophical and Psychological Perspective (Peter Lang,1993), both of which have been translated into Hebrew.  Низо   рома   Goin   АудиISBN 0521832969.

Guiding Rights: Trademarks, Copyright and the Internet артикул 3142e.
Guiding Rights: Trademarks, Copyright and the Internet артикул 3142e.

Book DescriptionThe Internet Age has dramatically increased the importance of intellectual property rights Disputes over domain names, shared music files, spam and cybersquatting are only a few examples of the matters now prominent in the news Mark V B Partridge, a seasoned lawyer who advises major corporations on these issues everyday, explains озыве in the articles collected in Guiding Rights the laws and principles shaping these important rights PartridgeÂs writing is clear and direct, emphasizing the fundamental principles that provide a firm foundation for the core concerns of copyright and trademark law He also shares practical tips gleaned from many years of experience on how to avoid pitfalls and achieve success in litigation By avoiding legalese or detailed statutory construction, Partridge quickly identifies the key points necessary for anyone desiring a better understanding of the law guiding the rights of authors, business and entrepreneurs on the Internet Lawyers andnon-lawyers alike will profit from this useful collection.  рабо   Herb   Руби   Соде2003 г 156 стр ISBN 0595659578.

Leaving Reality Behind : etoy vs eToys com & other battles to control cyberspace артикул 3144e.
Leaving Reality Behind : etoy vs eToys com & other battles to control cyberspace артикул 3144e.

In November 1999, at the height of the e-commerce gold rush, a hearing in a Los Angeles courtroom wrenched open the fault lines that ran through the Internet On one side was eToys com, the billion-dollar darling of Wall Street and the brainchild of Toby Lenk, one of the hottest entrepreneurs of his generation On the other side was etoy, a group of cutting-edge озывк European artists, hungry for fame, who used the Internet as their canvas The struggle between them became known as the Toywar At stake were liberty, justice, and the speedy delivery of toys Leaving Reality Behind is the definitive and gripping account of a battle that shook the Internet and sharply focused attention on the conflict at its very core: Was the Internet created as entertainment for the many or for the exponential profit of the few? This riveting case reveals the larger story behind the first decade of the Web -- the conflict surrounding its creation; the invention of search engines; the battle over domain names, and the discovery of the glittering promise of online retailing -- when the capital markets left reality behind As the real-life thriller of the Toywar came to its climax, the online world went into meltdown There remained one crucial question: After the Internet crash of 2000, which would prove more enduring -- an eight-billion-dollar corporation built by America's brightest businessmen or a chaotic art project created by a group of artsy rebels from Europe?.  меся   чита   теат   FlyiISBN 0066210763.

Structural Economics: Measuring Change in Technology, Lifestyles, and the Environment артикул 3146e.
Structural Economics: Measuring Change in Technology, Lifestyles, and the Environment артикул 3146e.

In all societies, the main causes of environmental degradation are resource extraction and the generation of wastes by households and industries Realistic strategies for mitigating these impacts require an understanding of both the technologies by which resources are transformed into products, and the lifestyle choices that shape household озывх use of such products Structural Economics provides a framework for developing and evaluating such strategies It represents an important new approach to describing household lifestyles and technological choices, the relationships between them, and their impact on resource use and waste In this volume, economist Faye Duchin provides for the first time an authoritative and comprehensive introduction to the field,including its social as well as its technological dimensions The presentation is accessible to non-specialists while also including a substantial amount of new research Duchin's primary achievement is to integrate a qualitatively rich understanding of technologies and lifestyles into a flexible, quantitative framework grounded in established principles of input-output economics and social accounting She uses tools and insights from areas as diverse as demography and market research to conceptualize and describe different categories of households and their lifestyles She also draws on the expertise of engineers and physical scientists to examine the potential for technological change The framework Duchin develops permits the rigorous and detailed analysis of specific scenarios for alternative technologies and changes in lifestyle The author uses the case of Indonesia for illustration and to refine new concepts by testing their relevance against factual information The new field of structural economics represents an important step forward in the effort to apply the power of science to solving the problems of modern societies This book should prove invaluable to students and scholars of economics, sociology, or anthropology, as well as environmental scientists, policymakers at all levels, and anyone concerned with a practical interpretation of the elusive concept of sustainable development.  Скво   Nige   Rajn   СодеISBN 1559636068.

Краткий курс уголовного процесса (по новому Уголовно-процессуальному кодексу РФ) артикул 3148e.
Краткий курс уголовного процесса (по новому Уголовно-процессуальному кодексу РФ) артикул 3148e.

Содержание настоящего Краткого курса основано на нормах нового УПК РФ, а также на анализе судебной практики, действующих постановлений Пленума Верховного Суда РФ, постановлений озывъ Конституционного Суда РФ, постановлений Пленума Верховного Суда СССР и других нормативных актов В данной работе учтены внесенные в УПК РФ изменения Федеральными законами от 24 июля 2002 года №103-ФЗ `О внесении дополнений в законодательные акты Российской Федерации`, от 24 июля 2002 года №98-ФЗ `О внесении изменений и дополнений в Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации`, от 29 мая 2002 года №58-ФЗ `О внесении изменений и дополнений в Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации`, а также содержание постановления Конституционного Суда РФ от 14 марта 2002 года №6-П `По делу о проверке конституционности статей 90, 96, 122 и 216 Уголовно-процессуального кодекса РСФСР в связи с жалобами граждан С С Маленкина, Р Н Мартынова и С В Пустовалова и др Для преподавателей и студентов (слушателей и курсантов) высших и средних юридических учебных заведений Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное Автор Александр Рыжаков.  Wink   Шенк   Mari   ЯковИздательство: ПБЮЛ И В Рыжакова, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 5-87088-073-4 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Domain Name Law And Practice: An International Handbook артикул 3150e.
Domain Name Law And Practice: An International Handbook артикул 3150e.

Book DescriptionThis work provides a comprehensive analysis of the law and practice relating to internet domain names at an international level, combined with a detailed survey of the 27 most important domain name jurisdictions worldwide, including the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, China, Singapore, Russia, Canada озыгз and Australia A particular strength of the book is its in-depth, country-by-country focus upon how domain names relate to existing trade mark law, and upon the developingcase-law in this field It also assembles detailed information about the registration of domain names at national, regional and international levels, analysis of the dispute resolution processes at each of those levels, and strategic guidance on how to manage domain names as part of an overall brand strategy It is edited and written by leading experts in the fields of domain name dispute resolution and trade mark law from around the world.  Fina   Sabb   писа   Mirr2005 г 1352 стр ISBN 0199278253.

The Econometrics of Corporate Governance Studies артикул 3152e.
The Econometrics of Corporate Governance Studies артикул 3152e.

A vast theoretical and empirical literature in corporate finance considers the interrelationships of corporate governance, takeovers, management turnover, corporate performance, corporate capital structure, and corporate ownership structure Most of the studies look at two variables at a time In this book Sanjai Bhagat and Richard Jefferis озыгу argue that from an econometric viewpoint, the proper way to study the relationship between any two of these variables is to set up a system of simultaneous equations that specifies the relationships among the six variables The specification and estimation of such a system of simultaneous equations, however, is nontrivial The authors illustrate their argument with a discussion of the impact of corporate anti-takeover measures on takeovers and managerial job-tenure During the past two decades, an overwhelming majority of publicly held U S corporations have adopted anti-takeover measures The authors show that, contrary to expectation, defense measures are ineffective in preventing takeovers and the frequency of CEO departures is unrelated to takeover defenses At firms with poison pill defenses, however, there is a statistically significant relationship between management turnover and company performance.  With   Silv   Silv   SilvISBN 0262025175.

Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M Stallman артикул 3154e.
Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M Stallman артикул 3154e.

The intersection of ethics, law, business and computer software is the subject of these essays and speeches by MacArthur Foundation Grant winner, Richard M Stallman This collection includes historical writings such as The GNU Manifesto, which defined and launched the activist Free Software Movement, along with new writings on hot topics in озыгш copyright, patent law, and the controversial issue of "trusted computing " Stallman takes a critical look at common abuses of copyright law and patents when applied to computer software programs, and how these abuses damage our entire society and remove our existing freedoms He also discusses the social aspects of software and how free software can create community and social justice Given the current turmoil in copyright and patent laws, including the DMCA and proposed CBDTPA, these essays are more relevant than ever Stallman tackles head-on the essential issues driving the current changes in copyright law He argues that for creativity to flourish, software must be free of inappropriate and overly-broad legal constraints Over the past twenty years his arguments and actions have changed the course of software history; this new book is sure to impact the future of software and legal policies in the yearsto come Lawrence Lessig, the author of two well-known books on similar topics, writes the introduction He is a noted legal expert on copyright law and a Stanford Law School professor Авторы Ричард М Стэллман Richard M Stallman Лоуренс Лессиг Lawrence Lessig.  Eliz   Аник   Иллю   XVIIИздательство: Free Software Foundation, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 1882114981.

Controlling Voices: Intellectual Property, Humanistic Studies, and the Internet артикул 3156e.
Controlling Voices: Intellectual Property, Humanistic Studies, and the Internet артикул 3156e.

TyAnna K Herrington explains current intellectual property law and examines the effect of the Internet and ideological power on its interpretation Promoting a balanced development of our national culture, she advocates educators' informed participationin ensuring egalitarian public access to information She discusses the control of information озыгы and the creation of knowledge in terms of the way control functions under current property law.  tuchkas   Thin   реда   ISBN 0809323737.

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